19-10-81 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
Each Brahmin star is a decoration of the living constellation.
Today, the Sun of Knowledge and the moon of knowledge have come to see their constellation. Both this Sun of Knowledge and moon of knowledge have come amongst you stars. In the physical world, the sun, moon and stars are normally not all visible at the same time. However, this living Sun, moon and stars are all invisible together. This is the unique spiritual gathering of stars. Today, BapDada is looking at you different stars. Each of you stars has your own speciality. Even the tiny stars make this constellation look very beautiful. The big stars are big anyway, but the beauty of this constellation increases even more with you tiny stars. BapDada is very pleased to see how essential each of you stars is. Even the tiniest of you stars is totally necessary. You each carry out a very important task. Therefore today, BapDada is seeing how important each one of you is. Just as parents discuss at home the virtues, duties and behaviour of each child in their family, similarly, the unlimited parents, the Sun of Knowledge and the moon of knowledge were discussing the specialities of every star in this family. Today, Father Brahma, the moon of knowledge, was especially dancing in happiness on seeing all his sparkling stars in each corner of the world. He was so happy relating to the Father, the Sun of Knowledge, the necessity and speciality of every star, don’t even ask! Are you able to visualise the scene at that time with the camera of the yoga of your intellect? Those who experienced the sakar form know this very well. Baba’s face appeared in front of you, did it not? What can you see? You are all also so happy that pearls are shining in your eyes. Just as a jeweller describes the importance of every jewel, in the same way, the moon of knowledge was today praising every jewel. Can you all think what be the praise of all of you would? Are you aware of the praise of your greatness?
There is one aspect in which the speciality and greatness of each if you is very clear. Whether you are maharathis, part of the infantry, tiny stars or big stars, each of you has the speciality of knowing the Father and belonging to the Father. None of the great authorities whether they are an authority of the scriptures, religion, science or politics none of all those with their huge perishable titles have recognised the Father, whereas all of you have. They are still simply invoking for God. Those who debate the scriptures are just still trying to calculate the time. Scientists are so engrossed in their inventions that they don’t have the time to listen to or understand the things that Baba tells you. They are totally absorbed in their own work. The authorities of politics are all busy in holding onto their position. They don’t have any time. The religious leaders are busy in looking after their own religion out of the fear of not wanting their religion to disappear. They are all very busy in looking after their own things. However, none of you are invoking God, but are all celebrating a meeting with God. Each if you has this speciality and greatness. You don’t think, “What speciality do I have?” Or, “I have no virtues.”, do you? It is the devotees who say that they have no virtues. To be a child of the Father, the Ocean of Knowledge, means to be virtuous. Therefore, each of you has the speciality of one or another virtue. Baba knows and sees your speciality. Everyone in a royal family is always full and would never ask for anything like a beggar would. Similarly, any child who has no virtue or speciality wouldn’t be called a child of the Father, the Ocean of Virtues. Therefore, all of you are virtuous, great and special. You stars are the decoration of the living constellation. Now, do you understand who you are? You are not weak, but strong because you are master almighty authorities. Do you have such spiritual intoxication? There is no arrogance in spirituality. Instead of arrogance, you maintain your selfrespect. Selfrespect means respect for oneself, the soul. There is a great difference between selfrespect and arrogance. Therefore, constantly remain seated on your seat of selfrespect. Discard your seat of arrogance. Any seat of arrogance seems externally to be very beautifully decorated. It looks very comfortable and likeable, but, it is really a seat of thorns. There is the saying, “Repent for what you eat and repent for what you don’t eat.” Such a seat is like this saying. You look at one another and think that you too should taste it. You think: Soandso has experienced this, so why shouldn’t I do the same? Therefore, although you can’t let go of it, you are pricked by it’s thorns when you sit on it. Therefore, never try to sit on the externally beautiful seat of arrogance. Otherwise, you will be deceived. When you are seated on your seat of selfrespect, you will experience yourselves to be always happy, always elevated and always an embodiment of all attainments. By keeping your speciality of knowing the Father and celebrating a meeting with Him in your awareness, remain constantly cheerful. You were told that the moon was happy to see the stars. Therefore, you stars must follow the Father. Achcha.
To those who are constantly stable on their seat of selfrespect; to those who constantly consider themselves to be special souls and use their speciality to make other souls special; to those who constantly follow the moon and Sun of Knowledge; to such faithful, obedient and worthy children, BapDada’s love, remembrance and namaste.
Meeting groups:
Does each of you know your elevated fortune? Are you making your fortune elevated by performing elevated actions? To the extent that your actions are elevated, so accordingly, your line of fortune will be long and clear. What do palmists look at when they try to read your fortune from your hands? They look at your line of fortune to see whether it is long or whether there are breaks in it every now and then. It is the same here too. If you are constantly performing elevated actions, then your line of fortune would also be very long, clear and elevated for all time. If you sometimes perform elevated actions, but at other times, you perform ordinary actions, then your line would be broken. It would not be imperishable. You would sometimes come to a halt and at other times move forward. Therefore, you must be those who always perform elevated actions. Baba has shown you the way to make your fortune elevated. You do this by performing elevated actions. It is easy to make your fortune elevated. Perform elevated actions and thus attain the fortune of being multimultimillion times fortunate. The basis of performing elevated actions is to have an elevated awareness. To remain aware of the most elevated Father means to perform elevated actions. Are you fortunate to this extent? All of you are fortunate, but your number is based on whether you are elevated or ordinary. Therefore, have you drawn your line of fortune for the whole time, or have you only drawn a short line? Your line is long, is it not? It is imperishable, is it not? It doesn’t break every now and then, but continues for all time. You are so fortunate! You are fortunate now and also for your many future births.
BapDada meeting Madhuban niwasis.
Who are the residents of Madhuban? What title should be given to you residents of Madhuban? Think of a new title. What have you put up in Madhuban at this time? You have just acquired a photocopying machine. Therefore, you residents of Madhuban are photostat copies. As is the Father, so are the children. Everything is copied identically with that machine. The speciality of this machine is that there cannot be the slightest difference. The residents of Madhuban are the photo copies. Madhuban is the machine, and you residents of Madhuban are the photos. Every action you perform should reveal your line of fortune drawn by the Bestower of Fortune. Your line of fortune is drawn by your actions. Therefore, every action each of you perform should be such that it extends your line of elevated fortune. Just as every action BapDada performed was such that it drew the line of fortune for the self and everyone else, so you must become equal to the Father in the same way. You have attained so many facilities, so much cooperation and you also have such elevated company in Madhuban. Nothing is lacking in the treasurestore of Madhuban. Therefore, what would someone who has attained everything become? He would become complete, would he not? What is still lacking? If you lack something, it is your own dharna that is lacking. One eternal sanskar should have emerged in the residents of Madhuban. What sanskar is that? What eternal sanskar did Brahma Baba have that made him successful in whatever he did? All of you should also have the same sanskar. Together with saying, “Ha ji” (Yes indeed), he also always said, “You first!” He never put himself first. He always let others go first. Brahma Baba always put Jagadamba ahead of him wherever he went, he always placed the children ahead of him. He always placed Jagadamba ahead of him. Only those who let others go first are able to say, “Ha ji”. This is why the main thing is to let others go ahead, but also with pure feelings. Not just in namesake, but with the feelings of a wellwisher. On the basis of your good wishes and elevated feelings, when you put others before yourselves you come first. To let others go first means to claim the first number. Just as Baba put Jagadamba ahead of him, he always put the children ahead of him, and yet he still claimed the first number perfection. He had no selfish motives in this. He was completely altruistic. He demonstrated putting others first in a practical way. Similarly, your practice of “You first” should be very firm. You shouldn’t feel that you did something when someone else has done it. You shouldn’t say, “Why did this one do this? Only I should do this. Why should I not do this? Am I not able to do this?” There should not be these feelings. Whether the other person does something or you do that thing, it is still Baba’s service. None of you here have your own business, do you? Only the one Father has this business. You are on God’s service. You even write, “On Godly service” You don’t write, “my service”, do you? Just as the Father is One, so service is also the same. Therefore, whether someone else does something or you do something, it’s the same thing. However much someone does something, make him move forward. You shouldn’t feel that it is you who should move forward. Make yourself move forward by enabling others to move forward. All of you have to go back home together. All of you will return home with the Father. This means that all of you will return home together. When each of you has this feeling, you will have become a photostat copy of Brahma Baba.
This means that anyone who sees a resident of Madhuban, would see Brahma Baba because each of you is an accurate copy. Therefore, no one who sees you could say that he hasn’t seen Brahma Baba. Your actions and your stage should clearly reveal Father Brahma. This is the speciality of you residents of Madhuban. Everyone follows you residents of Madhuban. Therefore, each of you in Madhuban is a master Brahma. Anyone who is given a photograph of Brahma Baba looks after it with love. He considers it to be the best gift of all. Therefore, all of you should also become photos of Father Brahma. Become equal to Father Brahma and you too will become invaluable gifts.
What speciality of Brahma Baba did you see on his face? There was maturity (seriousness) and also a smile. To have maturity means to be introverted. Together with that, he also had an entertaining nature. The sign of his introversion was his constantly being an image of maturity lost in the depth of the Ocean. His face was that of being lost in churning and thinking and even then, he was always smiling. You saw both these qualities in Brahma Baba’s face. Therefore, your faces too should be copies of Father Brahma’s face. Father Brahma should be visible in your face and in your form because Madhuban was Brahma Baba’s service place and the place where he performed karma. Therefore, the same acts and service should be seen in those who live on this land. Constantly keep the lamp of this hope ignited. This is the hope that Brahma Baba has in you. Now celebrate Deepawali in this way. Ignite the lamp of this one hope BapDada has in you. When each of you ignites this deepak (lamp), it will be Deepmala (a rosary of lights). If one or two lamps in a circle of lights go out, does it look nice? If one or two lamps are even flickering, it doesn’t look nice. This is why all of you lamps have to remain ignited in this deepmala.
All of you residents of Madhuban should be justices, of selfjustice. Before you judge anything, you should first judge yourself. Then your time and the time of others won’t be wasted. Madhuban is a Peace Palace. When you have peace of mind and peace on your lips, the rays of peace will spread from Madhuban, the Peace Palace. Everyone who is distressed asks all of you who live in the Peace Palace for alms of peace. Your rays of peace have not yet reached those who are making preparations for destruction. This is because there is a tug of war. Sometimes you have peace and sometimes there is peacelessness. In order for them to do their task your rays of peace have to reach them. Only then will their intellects make the final decision. They will destroy everything. Everyone will then return home peacefully to the land of peace. Therefore, now become great donors and bless such beggars with this great donation.
BapDada always considers you residents of Madhuban to be the close jewels who will bring souls of the world close to BapDada. Therefore, now prove that this is so. When all of you copies are precisely equal to Brahma Baba, the unlimited bombs will be dropped. Then there will be the celebration of fire works and also the coronation. Now fix the date for this. The date will be when each of you become an exact copy of Brahma Baba. You residents of Madhuban can do whatever you want. Achcha, so what are all of you thinking about?
Only BapDada has a camera for the thoughts in the mind. BapDada can clearly see what is going on in each one’s mind. Even now scientists are trying to invent a camera that can pick up someone’s line of thought within. Those poor helpless scientists are making so much effort! Whilst they are trying to invent such things, they will be left out and you will make use of the facilities they have already created for you. Achcha.
Blessing: May you be a great donor who becomes great by donating your specialities.
All of you donate knowledge, but you special souls now have to donate your specialities. Anyone who comes in front of you should experience receiving the Father’s love from you. On your face, they should see the Father’s face and in your behaviour, they should be able to recognise the Father’s divine activities. When people see your specialities, they should be inspired to become special souls. Become great donors in this way and then from the beginning to the end you will be great in being worthy to be worshipped and also in being a worshipper.
Slogan: Remain in the most elevated stage of destroying all negativity with great intensity and all trivial matters will seem like child’s play.
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